2024.Q3 (Latest Release)
[2767]Enhancement: Added interpretations for the final dispositors of celestials.
Enhancement: Added interpretations for the abnormal house sizes.
Enhancement: Added interpretations for the ruling sign for the houses.
Enhancement: Added interpretations for the out of sect condition.
Enhancement: Added interpretations for the conjunction of celestials with some of the stars.
Enhancement: Applied interpretations for the planets' house placements to the planetary rulers' as well.
Enhancement: Added more stars. 240 named stars as of now.
Enhancement: Added peak points for transits. Note that in some cases they don't peak, as in a retro Saturn case.
Enhancement: Added aspect details: offset and type (applying/separating), max deviation (tied to the user selected orb and current conditions), sign association, direction (dexter/sinister), parallel condition, peak point.
Adjustment: Hid birth time specific interpretations when viewing profiles with unknown birth times.
Adjustment: Since it doesn't render correctly on most devices, replaced Selene's textual representation with Ceres'. It looks close enough and differentiates better than Lilith as a bonus: ⯝ vs ⚳
Adjustment: Fine-tuned degree intervals of sidereal mansions.
Adjustment: Lowered orb and the orb interval used for determining conjunctions with fixed stars. As a result, the highest orb is lowered to ≈2° for Sirius, and the lowest orb is increased to be greater than 0.25° at default settings.
Adjustment: Decided to increase the default major base orb from 6.5 to 7.0 to cover some edge cases, and make up for the new changes below.
Adjustment: Distinguished the orb used for applying and separating aspects. Separating aspects now have 75% value of the applying aspects.
Adjustment: Lowered orb for lot aspects to micro.
Adjustment: Introduced the nano and pico orbs.
Adjustment: Set the pico orb as the criterion for the determination of exactness of aspects.
Adjustment: To avoid crashes, added internal overrides for the incompatible house systems at high lats.
Various fixes, improvements & library updates
[2733-2735] New Feature: Added the seven lot points (arabic parts) that belong to the planets.
New Feature: Added basic celestial alignment (aspect) patterns; geometric shapes formed at the sky between 3 or more celestials.
Enhancement: Merged chart and positions into one inner tab. Redesigned the whole layout. Vastly improved the usability of the astrology data page.
Enhancement: Highly improved zodiac wheel generation. Added markers every 10 degrees.
Enhancement: Added sects, house of joy, decan, duad, dwad, house ruler/lord position, dispositor information and much more. Simply press on given data to open up a window that reveals additional information.
Enhancement: Added descriptions for the celestials, houses, aspects and alignment patterns.
Enhancement: Added interpretations for the lunar phases and lunar mansions.
Enhancement: Added interpretations for the specific zodiac sign and house combinations of celestials.
Enhancement: Added interpretations for the zodiac sign decans and dwads of celestials.
Enhancement: Added interpretations for the house rulers.
Enhancement: Added interpretations for the placement of house rulers.
Enhancement: Added interpretations for aspects between celestials.
Enhancement: Added interpretations for transits from seven planets to natal placement of celestials.
Enhancement: Added descriptions for the star constellations.
Enhancement: From now on, the orb selected by the user is the raw orb. For aspects to/from any of the seven planets, it is multiplied by a factor dependent on the apparent planet size to get the actual orb. Since this change already effects the orb, preference for the reference orb is reset to its new default. Note that the orb to be used for aspects is selected from the lesser of the two processed orbs for involved celestials.
Enhancement: Tied adaptive orb formula (adjusted according to star's magnitude) used for conjunctions with fixed stars to the user preferred orb.
Enhancement: Planet activation toggle now applies to all data inside the same inner tab and is saved throughout sessions.
Adjustment: From now on, transits to a point is considered only if the source is one of the seven planets (the destination still can be any).
Adjustment: Introduced a new micro orb type to be used with minor aspects to the sky points (minor orb is used for major aspects to these points).
Adjustment: From now on, angular house cusps use the minor/micro orb for aspects (unlike major/minor orb used for other celestials).
Adjustment: From now on, transits use the minor/micro orbs.
Adjustment: Changed major/minor/micro orb multiplier to 2.66 (from 5).
Various fixes, improvements & library updates
[2682-2685] New Feature: Suspend ads! Added an option to spend credits to run the app ad-free, under the System header in settings tab. This way, if you aren't ready to remove ads permanently, you may spend credits (roughly 25% of a credits pack) every month (four weeks) to disable ads.
Enhancement: Added new profile sorting options: by similarity to the selected profile (euclidean distance between fingerprint zodiac values), by age/birthdate, by recency, and by frequency.
Enhancement: Selecting the same sorting option on profile selection windows now reverses the order.
Enhancement: Improved 'Elements' fingerprint calculation to factor in the differences between the members of each element group.
Adjustment: Timezone lookups are disabled for years before 1884 because proper time zones were not established back then. Therefore, dates before that year will default to the UTC/GMT0 timezone from now on.
Adjustment: DST lookups are disabled for years before 1908; before their known use.
Adjustment: Increased threshold for overtaking attributes. You may lower threshold level by one to achieve the old behavior.
Adjustment: Removed legacy feature "Tasks" and the task viewer, which Android 12+ was preventing from automatically launching, associated with it. Until a day planner feature is implemented, day/hour bookmarks can be used for such need. Your existing tasks are automatically converted to marks.
Fixed many various bugs, with the most important one being the inability to remember user preferences in some cases, leading to the app reverting to default settings. This issue may have also resulted in some users losing credits. As a sign of goodwill, all existing users are granted free credits, with those who have made a recent credit purchase receiving more. Just open up the app to claim your free credits.
Fixed crashing on some occasions.
Updated libraries and added support for Android 14.
[2644-2646] Behavior Change: Decided to remove options that control the outcome of interpretations made by the app; so that the results are more uniform and stay accurate in every case. Removed "natal normalization" option for congruence calculation in that regard.
Enhancement: Fine-tuned the chart pattern detection algorithm to discern better between the 'Splay' and the 'Funnel'.
Code cleanup
Various fixes, improvements & library updates
Follow-up fixes planetary tracking related notification issues and crashing at startup in some cases.
[2609] Enhancement: Replaced the obsolete profile db download toggle with an app language selection button.
Enhancement: Added twilight options to the Celestial Event Scanner under Solar section.
Enhancement: Improved the algorithm used for zodiac wheel chart pattern detection.
Enhancement: Added information about the determined zodiac wheel chart pattern.
Enhancement: Added visual indicator for credits to settings tab under "status". Now it is possible to renew credits before they run out for a smoother experience; bought credits are added on top of remaining credits.
Enhancement: Revised Firdaria text and translated it to other supported languages.
Fix: System-wide Night Mode exclusion.
Fix: Random crashing when switching panes.
Misc fixes & library updates
[2600]New Feature: Zodiac Wheel and chart shape determination based on the positions of traditional planets!
New Feature: Fixed Stars List! Positions of more than 200 most prominent stars listed and filterable by preference.
Enhancement: Decided to include some alternative ayanamshas. Although Lahiri, as the sidereal zodiac system, looks roughly correct from experience, it may not be the best candidate. Can't vouch for a specific one at this point; feel free to try them out. The highest deviation between all provided options is under 5 degrees, which I believe spans the exact hypothetical point (likely ±1.5° Lahiri). If you prefer to use a sidereal zodiac system, fingerprint attributes and skills will be calculated respecting that.
Enhancement: Added Lilith and Priapus to the celestial event scanner tool, and solved a couple of bugs.
Enhancement: Added transit notifications support for Lilith and Priapus.
Enhancement: Improved sidereal calculation precision.
Enhancement: Improved fixed stars precision.
Enhancement: Revamped and repurposed the moon tab as the sky map and divided it into sub-sections.
Enhancement: Behenian stars are indicated with indigo color and Persian Royal Stars in italic.
Enhancement: Added Bayer designation of stars as a naming preference.
Behavior Change: Zodiac mansion and zodiac house borders now use the set minor orb.
Bug fix: Wrong tropical mansion assignment.
Library updates & misc. fixes.
[2583-2585]New Feature: Stars! Any star in conjunction with a planet is now shown. The orb is first derived from the app settings and then adjusted according to the apparent magnitude of the star.
New Feature: Added sidereal mansion system based on the real star positions as an option, as opposed to the theoretical, equal mansion system commonly used. This wasn't an easy thing to do since sources are either not clear or contradict each other on what stars to take for reference. Although a fair bit amount of thought went into this, expect revisions to borders of some mansions.
Enhancement: From now on, it is indicated when a planet/point lies close to the zodiac mansion or zodiac house border (½ of the set major orb).
New Feature: Added data for lunar apogee/perigee; Lilith and its opposite Priapus/Selena/Arta. Targeting and tracking these points are not available yet; scheduled for future releases.
New Feature: Added twilight times as they may be helpful for some individuals. It is placed under additional data in planetary hours for the time being.
New Feature: Earn free credits by watching an advertisement.
New Feature: Self-accumulating credits! Users get free geolocation credits by simply keeping the app on their devices and letting the app run in the background.
Enhancement: From now on, users get geolocation credits for their donations.
Enhancement: Tweaked foundations section and its derivatives.
Behavior Change: Aspects concerning planets or nominal positions defined as the opposite of another are no longer included in the aspects list to make room for the unique ones. For example, if an aspect between a planet and the Ascendant exists, the Descendant won't be listed.
Library updates & misc. fixes.
Follow-up fixes celestial event scanner related crashes.
[2566-2568]Android 13 support.
More transparent and flexible data collection preferences.
Integrated Appodeal Consent Manager for GDPR/CCPA; it is now possible to use the app without personalized ads if you prefer.
Elevated minimum Android version requirement to 5.
Misc. fixes and library updates.
Known Bug: There is the unintended behavior of not showing the current state of your data collection preferences. So, when you press the button they come clicked by default irrelevant of your current choices. But nevertheless your choices are recorded and respected when you press the OK button.
[2547]Misc. fixes, improvements and library updates.
[2541]Improved attribute calculations for various sections.
Misc. fixes, improvements and library updates.
[2531-2534]Misc. fixes, improvements and library updates.
Notice: Dropped support for public profile listing and sharing on Android 4.4 in favor of better compatibility with the newer versions. It is getting harder and harder to support lower versions; please upgrade.
[2522-2524]Behavior Change: Moved the Foundations section to the Core group.
Behavior Change: Adjusted the Dominating attribute property threshold and restricted the Opposed attribute property to the Relative View.
Enhancement: Improved the calculation of the Foundations section: Attributes are no longer derived from the elemental composition, but directly from individual zodiac sign values.
Enhancement: Rewritten attribute names and their respective descriptions for the Foundations section.
Enhancement: When any of the Compare With options are enabled together with Relative View, all respective pie charts are displayed, instead of just one.
Enhancement: Improved the positioning of the radar chart centroid. It is still inflated deliberately by 50% to emphasize differences between charts more clearly.
Enhancement: Support for using the app on devices without any geolocation capabilities.
Fixed an inconsistency with the scheduling of user-created alerts.
Library updates & Android 12 support.
Misc fixes & enhancements.
[2449-2450]Bug fixes and misc improvements.
[2432-2442]New Feature: Celestial Event Scanner: Upgraded moon scanner to cover a comprehensive list of planetary events, that are determined to the exact minute.
New Setting: Rounding mode for the seconds in a minute. The default has been the common mathematical rounding (half up).
Enhancement: Rewritten all planetary functions to use algorithms in parallel to the NASA Horizons (based on DE431) for maximum precision.
Enhancement: Added rise, set, transit times, and the super condition for the Moon.
Enhancement: Configurable shortcuts: Added settings for interactions with the date/location and profile selection buttons.
Enhancement: Color-coded aspects list based on bitterness for easier viewing:
Red ⇾ Major Negative (Opposition, Square)
Orange ⇾ Minor Negative (Sesqui-Quadrate, Semi-Square)
Yellow ⇾ Neutral (Quincunx)
Green ⇾ Minor Positive (Semi-Sextile)
Turquoise ⇾ Major Positive (Conjunction, Trine, Sextile)
Removal: Calculation offset value for Sun's rise/set times. Since the current accuracy is below 1 second, it is unnecessary. If you were using it to compensate for the DST difference, please set the currently valid timezone from the device settings instead.
Misc fixes & enhancements.
[2421]Added new options:
Never hide user profile - to be used on the profile selection window
Keep screen on
Added support for primitive zodiac house systems.
Improved basic attribute strength analysis.
Implemented a prominent location permission rationale dialog as required by the new Google Play policies, to be shown on the app's first run.
Behavior Change: From now on, Opposed attribute property is exclusive to Significant+
Fixed crashing on some Android 4.4 devices.
Fixed some alerts not getting triggered.
Android 4.4 users can use the public profile sharing again.
Misc fixes & enhancements.
Notice: 2020.Q3, the last release supporting the Android 4.2-4.3 series is no longer available for download from the Play Store.
New Feature: Calendar Integration for several cosmic events.
New Feature: Support for displaying zodiac positions, aspects and transits which cover all classical planets and cardinal houses.
New Feature: Retrograde planet notifications.
New Feature: Transit notifications for all classical planets.
New Feature: Zodiac sign change notifications for all classical planets.
New Feature: Zodiac mansion change notifications for all classical planets.
New Feature: Updated sticky moon phase notification to show aspects from all classical planets.
New Feature: Setting for the aspects' orb.
New Feature: Setting for the house system.
New Feature: Presets for entrusting the user more control over the app.
New Feature: Added an option for redelivering all notifications continuously (in a power-efficient way) to be used in devices with aggressive battery management.
Enhancement: Extended charts to cover all core sections.
Enhancement: Significantly improved zodiac sign degree accuracy up to ±0.05°. Note: This may cause changes in attributes/skills valuation in some instances.
Enhancement: Significantly improved Colors calculation and its derivatives (many). Also adjusted the main calculation logic. Notice: This will cause changes in attributes/skills valuation.
Enhancement: Reworked calculation of Odd-Even, Tolerance Mechanisms, Primal Activities, Major Arcana sections.
Enhancement: Expanded on Elements and Colors attribute names.
Enhancement: Rewritten Colors attribute descriptions.
Enhancement: From now on, the moon and the planetary data tab is going to keep refreshing when it is NOW.
Enhancement: From now on, return to current conditions button present in the date-time/location window has an additional state just like the one in the profile selection window. Second state comes in handy for selecting natal options.
Enhancement: Standardized notifications' order.
Behavior Change: Hide Average Values fingerprint option no longer applies to the Core section group.
Behavior Change: Opposed (sword clash) attribute condition is now specific to the Relative View.
Behavior Change: Disabled similarity search on low-end devices to improve performance.
Fix: For additional language resolution issues.
Fix: For duplicate notifications or notifications cancelling each other in rare cases.
Many misc. improvements & fixes.
Notice: As of this release, the minimum supported OS version is Android 4.4. The previous release will be kept for download on the Play Store for some time for the minority still using the 4.2-4.3 series.
Reminder: You need a font supporting Unicode 6+ set as default to display advanced astrological symbols. Currently supported devices are supposed to have this by default as mentioned here, but they don't. Android 6+ consumer devices usually satisfy this requirement on factory settings. If not, you will have to install the font yourself.
Follow-up fixes some unwanted behavior and crashing on rare occasions.
Enhancement: Added optional ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission request for Android 10+ devices.
So when you move around, the app can access the updated location info without user interaction.
Even with this permission, the app won't make a new location request in the background to save battery (see App Behavior). This is just for allowing the app to make use of your updated location (when requested by other apps, like Maps), so notifications can be set for the right time.
You should choose "Allow all the time" when presented the location permission dialog after a new installation.
Background location updates have already been working for Android 9- devices. No changes necessary there.
Android 10+ users who are updating to this version may need to manually open up Settings > Apps list and update this app's location permission accordingly.
Enhancement: Implemented in-app language setting, and intelligent multi-language detection with fallback mechanism.
Enhancement: Toggling Ignore Battery Optimizations in-app setting will now open up Autostart menu on most non-stock Android ROMs.
Enhancement: When querying a custom location, the app will now always consult the local profile db first to save credits and time.
Enhancement: Cleaned up duplicate strings and switched to the app bundle deployment to save device space.
Enhancement: Dropped FTP and set default profile sharing protocol to WebDAV for better transfer security and reliability. Notice: Personal profile sharing on the public database is no longer possible on Android 4.4- devices as a consequence.
Enhancement: Improved stability & some UI elements.
Fix: For extra, duplicate notifications when an alert is added.
Fix: For some alerts getting skipped.
Adjustment: Renamed "Houses of the Zodiac" to simply "Zodiac" for disambiguation.
Follow-up (2299) fixes crashing/freezing on some devices, language fallback issues and minor bugs.
New Feature: Attribute Searching
Enhancement: Implemented a section control panel for the fingerprint tab in order to replace sticky section headers.
Enhancement: Zodiac Characteristics v2.
Major Difference: Version 1 tried to match the number of qualities per level that resulted in some zodiac signs looking relatively bad. Version 2 has more freedom in that matter, which also draws attention to peculiarities and the uneven distribution of features.
More distinct segmentation. Replaced color-coding with icons intended to symbolize grades; exalted, favorable, neutral, undesirable, vile.
Cleaned up synonymous and near-synonymous words.
Enhancement: Moon Event Seeker is now faster and more precise.
Enhancement: Attribute Calculation Adjustments -> "Primal Energies"
Enhancement: Reversed tab placement for the RTL orientation.
Enhancement: Various improvements and misc bug fixes.
Fix: For altitude update failure notification spam.
Fix: For finding the previous moon event.
Fix: For displaying wrong hijrah date between sunset and midnight.
New Feature: "Moon Event Scanner" which lets you find and go to a specific event.
New Attributes Section: "Involvement Mechanisms"
Enhancement: Added "Mark as Read" button to transient notifications, so there is no more need to open app for that.
Enhancement: Fixed not receiving any notifications in certain system configurations when running the app on Android 8.0+.
Enhancement: Android 7.0 devices now correctly display a spinner style birth data entry (as opposed to a calendar).
Enhancement: Brought floating button fingerprint settings to Android 4.x series.
Enhancement: Variation in skills from natal values is now indicated by color when it is significant.
Enhancement: When there is no "polarity reversal" currently, biorhythm notification checks for "trend reversal" and notifies that instead.
Enhancement: More accurate Firdaria calculation.
Enhancement: Improved profiles database suggestion system.
Enhancement: Improved Prominent Sections distinguishment.
Enhancement: Ensured DST check when browsing dates for HERE.
Enhancement: Long touching on a firdaria period interpretation will copy it to the device clipboard.
Enhancement: Swapped moon tab position with attributes to group together profile dependent (attributes, firdaria) and independent (settings, daily schedule, moon) tabs for the sake of contextual suitability. Although this may cause some disturbance for users accustomed to the current order at first, I hope it will serve better in the long run.
Enhancement: Some performance improvement, corrections and bug fixes.
Balancing: More realistic Skills calculation.
Balancing: Capped zodiac attributes' positive and negative bonus values.
Balancing: Factored in current age for attribute related calculations.
Balancing: Improved day/night factor.
Quick follow-up (2267) fixes crashing on Android 10 devices. One caveat though: Sticky section headers (used in the fingerprint tab) are no longer supported due to Android's latest restriction policies. Will look for an alternative way to achieve the same functionality in future versions.
New Feature: Swap Sides - used to swap the selected profile with the one in comparison.
New Feature: Ability to adjust date by 100 year intervals when adding a new profile.
Enhancement: Extended minimum date to 1 AD.
Several fine adjustments to calculations.
Misc bug fixes and various improvements.
Enhancement: Added current day of the week to the top of daily times schedule.
Fixed a problem concerning the online profile DB system.
Fixed a date change bug concerning the Time Machine feature when going between midnight-sunrise times.
Improved "Vark Personalities" calculation (regarding Auditory-Visual).
Improved congruence and compatibility calculations.
Slightly increased geographic differentiation for profiles.
Added extended descriptions for the Zodiac Houses section.
New Feature: Ranking of profiles based on an attribute at selected settings.
Enhancement: When there are no credits left, app will attempt to fill the manual input dialog by querying saved profiles for the same location descriptor.
Enhancement: Adjusted day/night bonus in non-natal mode.
Enhancement: Nerfed skills bonus from congruence.
Misc bug fixes & improvements.
Reworked quick date/time selection mechanism for easier navigation.
Fixed random crashing on certain devices.
Some bug fixes & improvements on app behavior.
Known Bug: Manual attribute tracking doesn't work.
Known Bug: App opens up with previously selected custom location when Retain App State option is enabled.
Known Bug. Sometimes newly added profiles disappear from the local db.
Rewritten zodiac houses section.
Added new attribute sections: Likelihood - Insistence, Nature - Nurture, Health - Time.
Behavior Change: Attributes tab is now in blue when personalization is disabled.
Behavior Change: Specifying custom altitude data will override altitude setting for the current location.
Behavior Change: Profile selection dialog will open in natal mode by default when already selected profile is #deceased.
Behavior Change: Exporting profiles by tag now works inclusively. Previously it wouldn't let you export profiles under a certain tag if they belonged also to another group. From now on, it takes the union of the selected tags.
Behavior Change: If you proceed to import a single profile, the app will select and show it to you as a convenience after the operation is complete.
Enhancement: Made swipe response on buttons optional.
Balancing: Improved attribute calculations for the sections: Theory - Application, Work - Fun, Control - Acceptance, Jung.
Balancing: Slightly improved Reach and Mobility skill calculations.
Identified and fixed a problem sometimes causing app to get confused at day transition, 24th to 1st hour.
Misc improvements & bug fixes.
Known Bug: There is a problem with the Professions & Interests section valuation.
As of this version:
App can be left open indefinitely (on a tablet/PC) and it is going to keep working as one would expect.
App can be run in split-screen/multi-window mode.
Countdown clocks are:
In violet, when the current setting is Here & Now.
In green, when not Here, but Now.
In black, when not Now.
Implemented Pie Chart for the Relative View setting. Only the main chart is drawn and any active natal/profile comparisons are skipped. Low value signs are skipped to create more space for the significant ones.
New attribute section: "Control - Acceptance".
Renamed "Primal Motivators" to "Motivation" and moved down to the respective section group.
Renamed "Varied" type attribute notifications to "Overtaking".
Behavior Change: Natal/Live toggle for the profile selection will no longer restore scroll position, but focus on selected profile instead.
Behavior Change: When selected together with the Daily Average View option, Compare with Natal will no longer display a comparison with the natal day average; but a comparison of the exact natal instance with the daily average of the selected date/time/location.
Behavior Change: Reversed top-down swiping mechanism on the buttons.
Added section type filtering to the fingerprint settings.
Removed volume override setting for alerts.
Several layout changes and organization.
Valuation adjustments: intensity, abstraction-specification, theory-application, matter-sense, skills, congruence, compatibility.
Fixed miscalculation of the Firdaria period when the selected profile birth time is unknown and set as night.
Fixed a problem causing new Firdaria period notification spam in some instances.
Better responsiveness.
Misc bug fixes & improvements.
New attribute sections: "Vark Personalities" (from learning styles/models), "Primal Responses".
12H clock format support.
To provide more space, reduce unnecessary data clutter and improve smoothness, biorhythms panel is now only shown when viewing the selected profile in live mode.
Behavior change: From now on biorhythm notification warns about the polarity reversal instead of the min/max point breach.
Balancing: In an attempt to increase the frequency of Varied notifications, adjusted automatic attribute tracking threshold value and included some of the omitted sections again.
Balancing: Mild improvements in attribute and skill calculations.
Balancing: Further decreased the effectiveness of natal normalization option.
Major changes in code structure (some improvement in performance and planetary clock accuracy).
UI adjustments.
Bug fixes & various improvements.
Bug fixes & some improvements.
Implemented chart transformations.
Implemented profile duplication capability. Saves time when you have to estimate birth time from doubtful or imprecise info.
New attribute section: "DISC Personalities".
From now on:
Date/time controls on the profile selection window can be hidden.
Arrow controls on buttons can be removed.
Touch/click actions on tab icons can be disabled to prevent misclicks when setting profile or date/location.
Retain app state option saves and restores last displayed tab also.
Profile auto-suggest is smoother and more intelligent.
Changes in section naming:
Foundations -> Primal Foundations
Hemispheres -> Primal Sites
Quadrants -> Primal Directions
Function -> Primal Intentions
Tarot Archetypes -> Tarot: Major Arcana
Some changes in section ordering.
Decreased memory footprint.
Improved performance.
Several bug fixes, optimizations & improvements.
Known Problem: Profile sharing dialog doesn't respect selected tags; all profiles are shared instead.
Known Problem: If you are getting "Invalid file selected!" error while trying to import a profile list, try using a different share client; Gmail as opposed to Whatsapp.
Known Problem: When checking on a custom location at NOW, if there is an official day difference between current and destination location, app fails.
Implemented profile importing. Opening the .ptpl (Planetary Times Profile List) file with this app is going to take you to the import window.
New fingerprint features for the chart:
Plot Area of Intersection
Plot Center of Mass
Several adjustments to automatic attribute tracking for displaying only the most vital and related info.
Removed Dramatic type notifications.
Removed sections with only two attributes.
Restricted to uptrend, so it always monitors 'what is up'.
Hide Average Values option no longer cancels out the drawn chart.
Halved natal normalization factor for congruence; the impact of this setting is lessened.
Significant performance improvement.
Updated Android SDK and libraries in use.
Bug fixes & misc improvements.
Very significant performance improvement.
Better compatibility with some devices.
Fix for some random crashing.
Misc improvements.
Known Bug: Make sure you press SELECT after saving a new profile or it may get lost.
Profile tags added in the previous version has created an incentive for people to build up a larger local database. Since manually adding all profiles again to another device is somewhat cumbersome, implemented profile list sharing in this version.
Sharing/exporting profile list is completely free; do it as much as you want. Not just share, but also backup frequently for yourself.
Importing profiles will cost geolocation credits proportional to the number of profiles added after the operation (at the minimum rate of 1 credit). This feature is postponed to a future release.
Added #casual tag as an option to show associated profiles at the end of the list when the sorting mode is alphanumerical (the default). This basically is the opposite of #favorites.
Added #hidden tag as an option to hide associated profiles unless this tag is selected deliberately. It is a way to isolate a selection of profiles from the rest.
Several improvements to zodiac houses attribute valuation. Depending on the profile, they may add up to something big. This will affect all attribute sections, and consequently elemental configuration, skill points, congruence and compatibility scores.
Completely revised Tarot Archetypes calculation. This will also affect its derivatives: Primal Roles, Primal Faculties, Opportunity-Necessity, Odd-Even, Function.
Improved skills calculation by factoring in more attributes.
Decreased the range of OPPOSED for attribute standing analysis.
Behavior Change: Opening up fingerprint settings now clears temporary configuration set after opening up the app from an attribute notification.
Convenience: Long touching on date arrow controls will set the date one week forward or backward to the same day.
Improved Arabic UI and reversed arrow button logic when the device language is Arabic.
Misc fixes & improvements.
Known Problem: Sluggish profile selection.
Implemented date-time controls inside the profile selection window.
It appears only when natal option is turned off and location is set to HERE.
Minute options are "00" and "30". App intelligently finds and seeks to the following planetary time if it exists. Otherwise, sets time to NOW if it is in selected range, or to the exact selected time if not.
Implemented sorting of profiles by compatibility and congruence (in descending order).
Implemented tag filtering for profiles. You can select up to six tags per profile. Additionally:
#deceased have a blackish tint, and do not show up in live/actual mode.
#favorites have a blueish tint, and they are pinned to the top (below the user profile) when the sorting mode is alphanumerical (the default).
Use #friends, #family, #vicinity, #community, #team and #workplace tags to define your type of relationship with this person.
Use #acquaintances, #celebrities or #unknown tags to define your level of knowledge about this person.
Use #global, #local or both tags together to define your place/way/medium of engagement with this person.
Behavior Change: Made "always show" type notifications appear again on the status bar for Android 7+ users. Previously (after 12.2018 update) you had to pull down the single bundled notification entry to see them. Now if you have them enabled, you may have up to 3 icons showing up. Turned this into an opportunity and organized notifications into different sets:
Under moon phase icon: sun sign tracking, moon sign tracking, moon phase tracking, transits tracking.
Under biorhythms icon: manual and automatic attributes tracking.
Under planetary hour icon: everything else.
Further optimized DST checks to save geolocation credits.
Performance & UI improvements.
Some minor bug fixes.
New Feature: Dodecagon spider web chart view in Zodiac Houses section of fingerprint tab. Appears at first row when Relative View is disabled. This is basically a graphical representation of the selected profile; a true fingerprint.
Behavior Change: From now on, fingerprint tab always shows natal info in gray (including section highlights and chart color) to avoid confusion. Therefore, when you see gray highlight you will instantly know natal only option is currently enabled. Previously it was only showing natal data in gray when current/actual value was also present with it.
Behavior Change: From now on, the app switches to online geolocation service when local location discovery fails on the first run. Previously it was closing up with a warning, just like a crash. This removes the need for having a working GPS to use this app and will also help people having issues.
Naming Change: Highlight Changes -> Compare With Natal.
Some fixes & enhancements.
This is a quick follow-up to the previous version containing various adjustments and fixes.
Some additional changes:
Lowered and normalized notification audio volume.
Boosted congruence value as it was a little pessimistic.
From now on, "Highlight Changes" and "Natal View" options in fingerprint settings cancel each other out to avoid confusion.
Known Bug: Here & Now selects tomorrow's schedule after midnight. Temporary fix/workaround: Either 1) Long click on the date/location button to reset, or 2) Use arrow buttons next to that button to set correct date.
IMPORTANT: Set Android API target to Oreo as required by the Google Play store. This is a major change (not necessarily an improvement) in how the app behaves and below are the consequences:
The first time you open up the app it will ask for the ACCESS LOCATION permission if you haven't granted it already. You should comply as the app relies on your location data to function properly.
As of Android 6+, notifications are not delivered at the exact time to save battery. If you would like to white-list the app and exempt it from battery optimizations, added an option inside app settings for that: "Use punctual notifications." However, it is not advised to turn this on if you are currently satisfied with the timing of notification delivery.
CONTACTS permission (and any additional future permission) is now optional for devices running Android 6+. Although not required, CONTACTS permission is still needed for the auto-suggest feature when adding profiles, tracking contacts' birthdays and displaying their photos in the profile selection window. You may need to re-enable these features manually inside the app if you are using Android 6+. If you are upgrading from a very early version due to the addition of contacts permission requirement in later versions, a clean install is highly recommended due to cumulative changes over time.
In-app vibration setting has been removed from Android 8+ devices as it is ineffective. 8+ users control the vibration setting of notifications using the app manager in device settings and selecting the app from the list there.
Should not concern you: For Android 8+ devices, notifications are now run in channels and because notification channels do not allow dynamically changing properties (such as audio source) once they are set, planetary hour notifications are mute by default and corresponding audio file has to be played manually alongside each notification (all done behind the scenes).
Implemented basic/broad/common skill-set ranking (calculated from a combination of attributes) to be shown on profile selection:
Hammer: attack/strength/force/impact
Shield: defense/resistance/negation/survival
Body balance: agility/acrobacy/mobility/swiftness
Archery range: focus/attention to detail/reach/perfection
Atlas - man holding the world: endurance/stamina/tolerance/vitality
Handshake: diplomacy/negotiation/temperance/balancing
Horseshoe: luck/ease of mind/effortlessness/delicacy
Open book: literacy/learning/thinking/sophistication
Added elemental configuration display to currently selected profile shown on the profile selection. You may see one or two icons here relevant to the person. A non-colored, grayed out icon means just the opposite; deficiency in the shown element.
Flame: fire
Tornado: air
Droplet: water
Leaf: earth
Yin-Yang: balanced
Compatibility indicator is now in teal in the case of perfect compatibility.
Switching to natal/live no longer resets scroll position when using the profile selection window.
Changed code to use internal storage only and removed the EXTERNAL STORAGE permission.
Removed unnecessary geolocation lookups when editing a profile name, changing profile gender or setting the default profile.
Further improved attribute, compatibility, congruence calculations and adjusted proportions.
Reworked alert mechanism.
Added new attribute section: "Primal Motivators".
Added new options in settings:
Apply natal normalization to congruence (deems natal value of the target person as average and adds the difference). [Enabled by default as of this version]
Altitude calculation: For Local Location Only, For Local & Specified Location.
Fetch and display photos of contacts.
Include contacts in profile autocomplete.
Use punctual notifications.
Several optimizations and fixes.
IMPORTANT fix: For receiving null timezone, altitude and sometimes location itself due to a change in google geolocation service. "All Google Maps Platform API requests must include an API key; we no longer support keyless (meaning free) access."
Good news: Lookups are a lot faster and reliable now.
Bad news: These online lookups are now costly and there will be no more free lookups I am afraid. You will be able to to buy credits for a small fee or enter data manually.
And to minimize lookups in order to save user credits:
Include altitude in calculations setting is now off by default. This had a minor effect on calculation anyways. If you enable this, make sure you are descriptive enough, as elevation varies significantly even inside the same city.
Android's internal (free) geocoder is preferred over Google's geocoding service; app will only switch to paid service if it fails. However, this only applies to latitude and longitude; time zone and altitude still need to be queried.
Optimized code to prevent unnecessary API requests.
Consecutive Purchase Bonus: If you use geolocation service a lot and keep buying credits, you will be given 50% bonus credits.
Fixed a problem regarding ad removal purchases (app was acting as if purchase didn't ever happen for some users).
Added Natal Aspects info to moon tab.
New tracking options:
Track moon sign change
Track sun sign change
Track planetary transits (restricted to sun and moon only)
Track birthdays of phone contacts
Added new attribute sections: "Primal Benefactions", "Majesty-Grace", "Intensity", "Dynamism", "Realization", "Connection", "Dependence".
Added some functionalities for convenience. From now on:
Notification about a tracked event will keep coming on each planetary hour change until you click on the notification itself (in case it is not seen). In the case of multiple events, clicking on any will mark all as read.
Profile selection is two-step; first touch on an entry to set current profile and see details, touch again on the same entry or press back button to close the selection window. You could also long press on an entry to select it directly as before.
Long clicking on the date/location selection button will reset app to current date and location as a shortcut.
Long clicking on the profile selection button will reset profile to default as a shortcut.
Long clicking on the left arrow to the left side of the profile selection button will seek to the first profile in alphabetical order.
Long clicking on the right arrow to the right side of the profile selection button will seek to the last profile in alphabetical order.
Replaced congruence notification text with congruence percent.
Slightly increased the effectiveness of the planetary hour in attribute calculations.
Some adjustments to "Opportunity - Necessity" calculation.
Improved overall app responsiveness.
Misc bug fixes and enhancements.
Known Bug: Shared user profiles disappear after some time.
Known Bug: Alerts may not work.
(might be) IMPORTANT: Removed "Traits" section. Although appealing to most, this was a hit and miss section, which can be inaccurate compared to other sections. There is now enough material to examine and derive information from.
(might be) IMPORTANT: Removed compatibility bar from fingerprint tab to open up space. Replaced it with a live/natal switch added to the profile selection window for easy and convenient viewing of natal congruence and compatibility. As a consequence, profile selection window now shows compatibility between the currently selected profile (not the default) and the target profile.
Selected profile in the profile selection window is now highlighted in green as it is important now, since compatibility gauge is not relative to the default profile anymore.
Default profile now has a fixed position (the first) in the profile selection window.
Added new attribute sections: "Opportunity - Necessity", "Primal Axes", "Primal Foci", "Theory - Application", "Work - Fun", "Numbers" (as in numerology).
Implemented the basic in-section attribute analysis and represented them with icons:
Ribbon: Somewhat relevant
Throne: Domineering
Pointy Sword: Excessive
Laurel Crown: Leading
Tiera: Significant
Sword Clash: Opposed
Stuck Sword: Vain
Broken Sword: Deficient
Added highlight prominent sections option to fingerprint settings. It helps identify (in violet) sections with a domineering attribute. Additionally, when using this setting:
Compare with option now emphasizes (in green) sections with a different domineering attribute (compared to the other person).
Highlight changes option now emphasizes sections (in gray) with a different domineering attribute (compared to natal).
Implemented extra precision for attribute calculations:
Added consideration for zodiac sign boundaries (previously rounded).
Added support for duads and dwads (12th harmonic).
Switched from arithmetic mean to geometric mean.
Further attribute balances due to these. Sorry about the changes in attribute calculations throughout versions. After observing and comparing various people for some time, it took me a lot of tries to get it right. I am satisfied with the results I get in this particular version, and hopefully, this concludes the balance updates.
Congruence and compatibility are now much more accurate thanks to these changes.
Removed some sections from automatic attribute tracking due to notification spam: Zodiac houses, Jung personalities, colors, elements, function, major/minor arcana, numbers. Additionally, adjusted thresholds and conditions for the rest to ensure only the most relevant and vital info is delivered using this setting. Feel free to enable manual tracking for those you need.
Considering notifications generated now are a lot less, decided to set default setting of automatic attribute tracking to enabled.
Changed default setting of relative view to disabled (there is little use for this setting now, considering basic analysis is implemented and there are two helpful options: highlight prominent sections, hide average values).
Added symbols to zodiac houses. You will need to re-enable manual tracking if you were tracking any.
Valuation adjustments to "Jung Personalities", "Primal Energies" sections.
Some other various fixes and adjustments.
Dedicated to attribute balances.
Added new attribute sections: "Primal Roles", "Command Mechanisms", "Confrontation Mechanisms", "Tolerance Mechanisms", "Saturation".
Changed names and positions of some attribute sections:
Mind - Body - Spirit -> Primal Faculties
Modality -> Movement Mechanisms
Reasoning -> Reasoning Mechanisms
Got rid of the definitive article "the" in tarot names to fit more text. If you were manually tracking any, you need to enable tracking again on each.
Added an alternative (slower-male-reverse structure) English notification sound for planetary hour changes.
Fixed some bugs
Known Bug: Switching to a temporary location at "Now" that results in a planetary day change is buggy; specify target date and (local) time for that location instead.
Dedicated to bug fixes.
Added hourly compatibility display (between default profile and other profiles) to profile selection for the selected date/time and location.
This feature assumes viewed person and default user are at the same (selected) place or nearby at the selected time. This limitation will later be lifted to enable phone/messaging compatibility when support for "current whereabouts" (custom/fixed location) field for each profile entry is added. Same is true for congruence/mood icon below profile pictures.
Added new attributes section: "Management Mechanisms".
Limited DOZE bypass from "always notify" type notifications to "always notify hourly changes" (figured there is no need for non-auditory ones to update when device is not in use).
From now on clicking on an attribute notification will temporarily reset fingerprint settings (to live-personalization) prior to display.
Slightly adjusted elements section calculation and its derivatives.
Implemented consent dialog to be shown to EU users as required by the GDPR. For those who do not know, this is just a consent given to view personalized ads based on your interests. It is nothing new. If you change your mind later on and want to revoke consent afterwards, you need to either buy ad removal or uninstall the app, as app won't work otherwise.
Removed an-ad-a-day feature (due to low ad inventory).
Changed default hijri calculation method to prediction for conformity with other sources (to prevent confusion).
Various adjustments.
06.2018.2 follow-up fixes profile compatibility and attribute calculation bugs.
Improved overall app responsiveness
Fixed a timezone inaccuracy when viewing a remote location's daily schedule on real-time
Implemented automatic DOZE mode bypass when quiet hours are not-in-effect/disabled for:
"Always notify" type notifications
Planetary alerts set by the user
Notice: You may still need to whitelist the app and exempt it from battery saving for highest precision and certainty. Have a look at Remarks & Troubleshooting on how to do that. You could also do the reverse if you wanted to. So if your device is remaining idle (with no incoming calls/messages/emails) regularly for hours, disable "always notify" notifications for increased battery life.
Set priority, category and visibility values for all notification types, so system can arrange them accordingly
Added new attributes section: "Abstraction - Specification"
Fixed a slight inaccuracy with moon age/illumination
Sorted out remaining bugs from previous version
Various fixes & improvements
Known Bug: There seems to be a calculation problem at the very end of DST time.
Known Bug: Swiping up/down on date selection button or using the time machine feature causes UTC time to display (instead of local time), but calculation carries out correctly.
Known Bug: Appearently recent changes messed up moon age calculation again by adding GMT offset twice.
From now on app state is preserved across sessions (if you would like the old behavior back, uncheck it in app settings; opening the app by clicking on a notification also resets time/date and user to defaults temporarily)
Added arrow buttons for moving on to the next/previous date/user immediately (as an alternative to swiping)
Fixed an inaccuracy with moon phase/sign due to timezone difference
Fixed an issue causing app data occasionally getting deleted on some devices (if it still happens please report)
Fixed an issue causing an-ad-a-day feature to malfunction
Decreased penalty for having opposite Jungian base qualities
Various fixes & improvements
Known Bug: Occasional display of wrong planetary schedule. Quick fix before update is to either select date as "now" again as you enter app or disable "retain app state" in app settings.
Added four-way swipe capability to hour/date and user configuration buttons. Swipe on them for switching to next and previous day/hour/user immediately
Added phone contacts as suggestions to profile creation
Added A-Z fast scroll to profile selection
Further increased the significance of gender in attribute calculations
Slightly lowered automatic attribute notification threshold
Faster profile suggestions when typing a new profile name
Fixed grouping of notifications
Various fixes & improvements
Revamped "User Selection Window" to show profile picture, congruence value and biorhythms data for each user. This change has the following implications:
READ_CONTACTS permission is now required for querying profile picture from phone contacts by profile name (automatic)
Biorhythms display has been removed from the app header to save space
Notice: Shown congruence values are for the selected date/time and location. If some contacts are residing elsewhere, location should be set accordingly (from the button labeled "Here & Now") to show true congruence values for them
Added descriptions to attribute notifications (pull-down to show)
Added new attributes section: Primal Activities (Love, Light, Power) [very important/useful metric]
Smoother profile suggestions; optimized algorithm
Slightly increased the significance of gender in attribute calculations
Slightly changed "minor arcana" and "jung personalities" calculation
More accurate Odd-Even calculation
More relevant automatic attribute tracking
Improved congruence/compatibility precision
Included decans in formula for a more detailed fingerprint calculation in general
Notification icon workaround for Xiaomi devices (requires root)
Removed pollfish survey platform (rewarded videos are still in place for an-ad-a-day feature)
Various fixes & improvements
Added "daily average view" setting to fingerprint options
Added new section to attributes: Inception - Technique
New setting to show hijri day in moon phase notifications
Increased the weight of moon sign in attribute calculations
Various fixes & improvements
Added new attributes sections: "Carl Jung's Personalities", "Minor Arcana", "Coping Mechanisms", "Action Mechanisms"
Added "expand/collapse all", "always show pictures" functionalities to attribute sections
Added easy profile removal
You can now hide congruence bar to save UI space
Background service won't run anymore if you choose to disable notifications.
Further decreased memory footprint
Several fixes, adjustments, optimizations & enhancements